
在新兴市场, where the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is highest 和 patient outcomes are greatly affected by healthcare inequality, 人工智能(AI)越来越具有可扩展性, 负担得起的, 以及有效的解决方案. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的商业数字和IT主管, 国际及日本, 尼克Passey, recently shared his expert opinion on this topic 和 a version of this article has been published as a 世界经济论坛议程文章.

人工智能(AI)与医疗保健的交叉有着巨大的前景, particularly in addressing some of the most complex challenges 和 barriers to healthcare access faced by emerging markets. 人工智能正迅速成为一股变革力量,重塑澳门第一赌城在线娱乐诊断和治疗疾病的方式1 和 is playing a pivotal role in overcoming healthcare disparities in low- 和 middle-income countries (LMICs).2 It has the power to revolutionise patient outcomes 和 bring equitable care to millions of people 谁 currently face significant barriers to healthcare.3


在新兴市场, 医疗资源往往稀缺且难以获得的地方, 人工智能提供了可扩展的, 最重要的是, 负担得起的解决方案. 通过利用数字创新, AI transcends geographical barriers 和 extends quality healthcare services to underserved populations, 确保公平获得医疗专门知识和资源, 无论地点或社会经济地位如何.

人工智能还可以分析和解释大量的医疗数据, 允许早期疾病检测和个性化治疗计划.4 This capability is especially critical in LMICs where healthcare systems grapple with the burden of an ageing population 和 the surge of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).5 通过识别疾病的萌芽阶段, 人工智能使医疗保健专业人员能够主动干预, ultimately leading to improved long-term patient outcomes while reducing the load on healthcare systems.


非洲面临着众多复杂和多方面的医疗保健挑战, 受社会经济因素的影响, 环境, 政治因素. 尽管在某些领域取得了显著进展, 例如减少传染病和提高预期寿命, 非洲大陆继续与持续存在的卫生差距和负担作斗争.6

AI has the potential to transform patient outcomes across Africa through cost-effective 和 adaptable solutions, 新兴市场的两个关键方面. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在努力提供这样的解决方案 A.催化剂网络 (A.CN)非洲中心, a dynamic health innovation hub made up of unique partnerships with the goal of improving patient experiences 和 outcomes across the continent 和 beyond, 通过使用最新技术进行数字化转型.

A crucial component of how we leverage technology for the benefit of patients everywhere is partnership. Solving some of the world’s greatest healthcare challenges will take extensive cross-sector cooperation. 在埃及,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐刚刚启动了 A.CN埃及中心, 与通信和信息技术部合作, 和 the Applied Innovation Center to support the government’s drive to uplift the healthcare ecosystem through digital transformation.7 这种合作的核心是探索和实施研究项目, 使用人工智能, machine learning 和 other emerging technologies for data generation 和 the early diagnosis of diseases. 只有在整个医疗保健生态系统中开展合作,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐才能真正产生影响. 这也是为什么澳门在线赌城娱乐加入 WEF爱迪生联盟, a public-private partnership that aims to improve the lives of one billion people through digital inclusion by 2025.8

其他关键项目包括与 肯尼亚心脏协会 on a collaborative project that explores how applying AI to ECGs can identify heart failure risk 和 partnering with Medsol AI解决方案 in Pretoria for early 乳腺癌 筛选. 作为伙伴关系的一部分, this year we have activated four additional sites for 乳腺癌 筛选 across South Africa, extending our collaboration with hospitals 和 clinics in both urban communities 和 rural areas so collectively we can reach more people.

在非洲, 乳腺癌 mortality-to-incidence ratios remain significantly higher compared to other regions, 主要是由于农村地区基础设施不足等挑战.9 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与 Medsol AI解决方案 导致了美露丝乳房AI的发展——一个前沿, 为快速检测乳腺癌而设计的wi - fi超声探头. 这项创新技术利用人工智能算法快速分析医学成像数据, enabling healthcare professionals to identify 和 diagnose 乳腺癌 at its earliest stages. 附带的快速诊断应用程序促进了更快的治疗干预, while our 筛选 和 referral program aims to reduce time to treatment from over six months to just two weeks.

This portable 和 state-of-the-art solution allows us to extend 筛选 services to regions with limited healthcare infrastructure, 特别是缺乏互联网接入的偏远农村地区.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐也看到了类似的成功 Tricog健康, 谁m we partner with in Kenya, in reducing mortality rates with AI remote cardiac diagnosis. 他们的 InstaECG人工智能 工具提供快速诊断, taking the time to detection down to just three minutes while the technology means we can deliver 筛选 和 diagnosis of patients regardless of their location.

By enabling access to 筛选 opportunities 和 empowering healthcare ecosystems in underserved communities, we aim to reduce the strain on existing healthcare resources by ensuring only high-risk patients are transferred to the tertiary hospitals while driving equitable care for all. 这些都是澳门在线赌城娱乐旗舰医疗公平项目的雄心, 非洲癌症护理健康心脏非洲,都致力于支持.

We also know that the health of our planet 和 the health of people are inextricably linked. 非洲是 痛苦不成比例10 免受气候变化的影响, 哪一种危害粮食和水安全,并对人类健康有直接影响. 医疗保健是全球碳排放的重要贡献者, 特别是在疾病进展明显的情况下. 如果澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能通过数字解决方案更早地发现和治疗疾病, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还可以减少对环境的不利影响.


While AI's impact on healthcare is global, its significance is amplified in emerging markets. 在这方面,人工智能和数字创新的融合正在改变医疗保健服务. 通过利用人工智能的潜力, emerging markets can alleviate the strain on overburdened healthcare systems 和 foster sustainable health outcomes for their populations11. 此外, 人工智能驱动的举措增强了当地医疗保健提供者的能力, 为他们提供有效提供优质护理所需的工具和见解.

人工智能在医疗保健领域的变革潜力是不可否认的, 特别是在应对新兴市场面临的紧迫挑战方面. 通过利用人工智能的能力, we can build a future where quality healthcare is not a privilege but a fundamental human right. 当澳门第一赌城在线娱乐面对复杂的全球医疗保健时, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐需要接受人工智能作为积极变革的催化剂, 推动澳门第一赌城在线娱乐走向更健康, 更可持续的, 更公平的世界.

阅读Nick对这个话题的更多评论 世界经济论坛文章.



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2. Mrazek M, O'Neill F. 新兴市场的人工智能和医疗保健. World Bank Group; 2020 Sep. (2024年7月访问)

3. 世界卫生组织. 全民健康覆盖概况介绍. 可通过http://www获得.谁.int/新闻室/实况介绍/详情/全民健康覆盖-(全民健康覆盖)(2024年7月查阅)

4. 国家医学图书馆. 疾病诊断中的人工智能. 可在:http://www.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8754556/#Sec24title(访问日期:2024年7月)

5. 世界卫生组织. 非传染性疾病概况介绍. 可通过:http://www.谁.int/新闻室/实况介绍/详情/非传染性疾病(2024年7月查阅)

6. Rispel LC, De Sousa CA, Molomo BG. 社会包容政策能否减少撒哈拉以南非洲的卫生不平等?-快速政策评估. 健康、人口与营养杂志. 2009年8月,27 (4):492.

7. 世界卫生组织. Ministry of Information 和 Communication Technology (MICT) integration of ICT in health services. 可通过:http://www.世卫组织东地中海地区办公室.谁.int /地区/国家/ ict-health-egypt.html(2024年7月访问)

8. 爱迪生联盟. 十亿生命挑战. 可通过:http://www.edisonalliance.org/10 -billion lives(访问日期:2024年7月)

9. 国际癌症研究机构. 撒哈拉以南非洲的乳腺癌结果. 可通过:http://www.研究.谁.int / wp-content /上传/ 2021/03 / IARC_Evidence_Summary_Brief_1.pdf(2024年7月访问)

10. 联合国环境规划署. 区域倡议:非洲. 应对气候变化. 可以通过: http://www.UN Environment Programme.org/regions/africa/regional-initiatives/responding-climate-change (2024年7月访问)

11. Zuhair V, Babar A, Ali R, Oduoye MO, Noor Z, Chris K, Okon II, Rehman LU. Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on global health 和 enhancing healthcare in developing nations. 初级保健杂志 & 社区卫生. 2024年4月;15:21501319241245847

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